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Posts under ‘Uncategorized’

How many days?

So here again another year stretches by, passes quickly and compresses into the confines of memory. In my last blog, a couple years ago I was talking to Kam Thye Chow about Chaiyuth Priyasith. Now Kam himself has passed, much too young. I am reminded now, as I peruse Asokanandas Thai Traditional Massage for [...]


Looking back in time I suffered a certain chronological disbelief. I recently met Kam Thye Chow and our conversation had evoked memories of Asokananda and Chaiyuth Priyasith. Chaiyuth Priyasith is a famous Thai massage teacher in Chiang Mai who passed, transformed in 2004! Is this possible? 12 years ago? He was not my teacher [...]

Return to thailand Jan 2011

It is warm here, another dreamy year, drifting by with surprising alacrity. I have just spent three weeks with the thai massage teacher Pichet Boonthumme, three weeks of amazing “pok pok”. “Pok pok” is the simulated strike of the Kruba cane, the proverbial knuckles across the forehead, a mental smackdown for thoughtless, buffalo [...]

odd sort of hiatus

Time is playing tricks on me….. over 40, really? Tehheh. Every day, really, calls for an adjustment in the face of life’s adversities, and an amazing opportunity to embrace the possibilities. Sometimes I find myself waking from some mental or emotional torpor, wondering if I have been truly consciously living. [...]

Another wedding

Here I am in Montpelier, Vermont.  My cousin James married a fantastic and beautiful Japanese woman, Mioko.  It was a fully catered wedding here on my Aunt and Uncles 20 acres of Vermont goodness just outside Montpelier.  The reception included a  huge canopy tent, professionally staffed bar, and smooth dance floor. I helped as best [...]

California in a rearview mirror

What an amazing time I had with Jessica in Canada. And So many adventures in California. My brother Justin’s wedding went off quite well, and I have just had four good days of massage work thanks to Dr Renee Hilmer here in Austin Texas. her referrals kept me really busy for a short time, and [...]

Cool in San Francisco

Here I am in San Francisco. Pete is helping me set up a wordpress website. It is amazingly simple and accessible compared to older html only models. I will be able to do lots of stuff myself in content and style. I am really excited. This is part of a greater shift toward establishing my [...]