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Another wedding

Here I am in Montpelier, Vermont.  My cousin James married a fantastic and beautiful Japanese woman, Mioko.  It was a fully catered wedding here on my Aunt and Uncles 20 acres of Vermont goodness just outside Montpelier.  The reception included a  huge canopy tent, professionally staffed bar, and smooth dance floor. I helped as best I could and had a great time.

I will remain here in Vermont most of this month, and will return  to Austin in early September for some massage work and I will begin to visualize a trip to Thailand in the Fall. I am enjoying a cool and somewhat  unpredictable summer here. Vermont, unlike Texas, has recieved a ton of rain. I am surrounded by lush green meadows and an ideal swimming pond. It is a perfect place to work on my yoga practice and appreciate the fortunes of  life.

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